Simplified Setup: Prometheus, cAdvisor, redis and Node Exporter

Simplified Setup: Prometheus, cAdvisor, redis and Node Exporter

#Day79 of #90DaysOfDevOps


7 min read


In today's journey, we're delving into the realm of Prometheus, cAdvisor, and Redis, powerful tools that orchestrate a symphony of monitoring in containerized environments. Prometheus, known for its prowess in collecting and analyzing metrics, teams up with cAdvisor, the Container Advisor, and Redis, the in-memory data powerhouse. We assume you've got a fair grasp of what Prometheus brings to the table, so buckle up as we explore the installation of these monitoring titans and unlock their potential.


cAdvisor, which stands for Container Advisor, is an open-source tool designed for monitoring containers. It provides container users with an understanding of the resource usage and performance characteristics of their running containers. cAdvisor operates at the container level, collecting, aggregating, processing, and exporting information about running containers.

Here are the key functionalities and work of cAdvisor:

  1. Resource Usage Metrics:

    • cAdvisor collects data on resource usage metrics such as CPU, memory, file system, and network usage for each container. This information helps users understand how containers utilize resources.
  2. Performance Statistics:

    • In addition to resource usage, cAdvisor provides performance statistics for individual containers. This includes metrics related to CPU and memory performance, allowing users to assess the efficiency of containerized applications.
  3. Real-time Monitoring:

    • cAdvisor operates in real-time, continuously monitoring containers and updating metrics at regular intervals. This real-time monitoring capability enables users to have a dynamic view of container behavior.
  4. Data Export:

    • cAdvisor exports collected metrics in a format that is compatible with various monitoring and visualization tools. It can integrate with systems like Prometheus for further analysis and Grafana for creating dashboards.
  5. Container Filesystem Information:

    • cAdvisor gathers information about the container's filesystem, helping users understand how much storage is being used, which is crucial for managing containerized applications.
  6. Network Usage Information:

    • cAdvisor provides insights into the network usage of containers, including data sent and received. This is valuable for understanding the communication patterns between containers.
  7. Compatibility with Docker:

    • cAdvisor is specifically designed to work with Docker containers. It is often used alongside container orchestration systems like Kubernetes to monitor containers in a clustered environment.
  8. Ease of Integration:

    • Due to its lightweight nature and compatibility with container runtimes, cAdvisor is easy to integrate into containerized environments without significant overhead.


Redis is an in-memory data structure store that serves as a versatile and high-performance key-value database. Its primary purpose is to provide a fast and efficient way to store and retrieve data, making it suitable for various use cases.

Here are some key aspects of Redis's work:

  1. In-Memory Data Storage:

    • Redis stores data in memory, providing fast read and write operations. This makes it ideal for use cases where low-latency access to data is critical.
  2. Key-Value Storage:

    • Redis uses a simple key-value data model. Each piece of data is associated with a unique key, allowing developers to easily store and retrieve information.
  3. Data Types:

    • Redis supports various data types beyond simple strings, including lists, sets, hashes, and more. This flexibility allows developers to choose the most suitable data structure for their specific needs.
  4. Caching:

    • One of the common use cases for Redis is caching. By storing frequently accessed data in memory, Redis can significantly reduce the response time of applications, especially when dealing with read-heavy workloads.


we install Prometheus, cAdvisor, redis using the docker-compose

Step 1: Prerequisites

Ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • EC2 instance with Docker and Docker-Compose installed.

  • Running containers on the EC2 instance.

  • Grafana installed on the EC2 instance.

Step 2: Run Docker Containers for Prometheus and cAdvisor

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file:

    make sure you also install docker compose

    If not simply paste below command

    sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    docker-compose --version

version: '3.2'
    image: prom/prometheus:latest
    container_name: prometheus
    - 9090:9090
    - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
    - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:ro
    - cadvisor

    container_name: cadvisor
    - 8080:8080
    - /:/rootfs:ro
    - /var/run:/var/run:rw
    - /sys:/sys:ro
    - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro
      - /dev/kmsg:/dev/kmsg
    privileged: true
    - redis

    image: redis:latest
    container_name: redis
    - 6379:6379

  1. Create a configuration file for Prometheus (prometheus.yml):
- job_name: cadvisor
  scrape_interval: 5s
  - targets:
    - cadvisor:8080

  1. Run the containers:
docker-compose up -d

Step 3: Expose cAdvisor and Prometheus

  1. Allow ports 9090 (Prometheus) and 8080 (cAdvisor) in the Security Group.

  2. Access cAdvisor web console:


  1. Access Prometheus web UI:

Node Exporter

Node Exporter is like a health monitor for your server. 🩺πŸ–₯️ It collects crucial information about your system's health, like CPU usage, memory stats, disk space, and more. πŸ“Š This data is then made accessible to tools like Prometheus, helping you keep a close eye on your server's performance. πŸš€ So, Node Exporter acts as a friendly doctor, keeping your server in tip-top shape!

Node Exporter setup:

Step 1: Download Node Exporter

Use the following command to download Node Exporter:

wget \

Step 2: Unzip the Downloaded File

Unzip the downloaded tar.gz file with the command:

tar xvfz node_exporter-1.0.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Step 3: Access the Node Exporter Directory

Navigate to the extracted directory:

cd node_exporter-1.0.1.linux-amd64

Step 4: Run Node Exporter

Execute the Node Exporter binary to start collecting and exposing system metrics:

./node_exporter &

& is used to run on the background.

Step 5: Access Node Exporter Metrics

Open your web browser and navigate to the following address:


Make sure you port no. 9100 is added to your security group

Now let's connect the cAdvisor and node exporter with the Prometheus

Step 1: change the docker-compose.yml file

version: '3.2'
    image: prom/node-exporter:latest
    container_name: node-exporter
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /proc:/host/proc:ro
      - /sys:/host/sys:ro
      - /:/rootfs:ro
      - '--path.procfs=/host/proc'
      - '--path.rootfs=/rootfs'
      - '--path.sysfs=/host/sys'
      - '--collector.filesystem.mount-points-exclude=^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc)($$|/)'
      - 9100

    image: prom/prometheus:latest
    container_name: prometheus
    - 9090:9090
    - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
    - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:ro
    - cadvisor

    container_name: cadvisor
    - 8080:8080
    - /:/rootfs:ro
    - /var/run:/var/run:rw
    - /sys:/sys:ro
    - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro
      - /dev/kmsg:/dev/kmsg
    privileged: true
    - redis

    image: redis:latest
    container_name: redis
    - 6379:6379

After doing the change do

docker-compose down

and then restart the service

docker-compose up

Make sure to wait until the prometheus container made

Step 2: change the prometheus.yml file

Above, we created the prometheus.yml file already integrated cAdvisor with the Prometheus

Now let's change the file to integrate the node-exporter with the Prometheus

  - job_name: cadvisor
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets:
        - cadvisor:8080

  - job_name: node-exporter
      - targets:
        - node-exporter:9100

Step 3: Restart the docker container.

docker restart <container_id>

Step 3: Lets check

Simply go to the Prometheus URL and go the status/targets


In conclusion, we've successfully orchestrated the installation of Prometheus, cAdvisor, and Redis. This sets the stage for our next blog, where we'll dive into hands-on exploration and harness the full potential of these monitoring tools. Stay tuned for an immersive journey into the heart of containerized monitoring!

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